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Enrichment and Innovation Grants


Since 2010, ESF has awarded 88 Enrichment and Innovation Grants to ESD staff, totaling $110,000! ESF’s Grant program has impacted students in every school by funding creative projects that are inspired by ESD’s amazing teachers. Grants are awarded in a broad range of learning, including: science, reading, math, career education, literacy, English Language Learning, Special Education, Counseling, performing arts and more. We are honored to help ESD staff get the tools they need to teach their students in innovative ways.

College Readiness Tour

EMS & TMMS 8th graders exploring UW campus

Salmon in Schools

Release Day! Southwood students letting go of their salmon frye.

Romeo & Juliet

Freshmen are exposed to Romeo & Juliet like never before.

Books for the Summer

To ensure Westwood students would continue reading over the summer, they ordered their own books.

Dancing Classrooms

Sunrise 5th graders learn respect for themselves and classmates all while learning the Cha cha, Swing, Tango and Waltz.

Zorro at WW

Mr Stink steals the show when EHS Drama brings Zorro to all of our elementary schools.

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